Students don’t just nod at “sexual assault in Ovid” and write

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Students don’t just nod at “sexual assault in Ovid” and write

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My view is that there could be no end to such warnings, fornearly anything canada goose outlet online uk can students, in ways running the gamut from mere offense to full blown traumatic stress disorder. While, as I said, professors should be sensitive to material that might disturb a large proportionof students, it impossible to take into account every student potential offense when presenting a course, or when calculating what material that might disturb at least one student. As JennyJarvie wrote in The New Republic last year, there no end to offense worthy topics:

Canada Goose online Oberlin College has published an official document on triggers, advisingfaculty members to aware of racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, canada goose factory outlet toronto location ableism, and other issues of privilege and oppression, remove triggering material when it doesn contribute canada goose outlet online reviews to learning goalsand consider developing a policy to make material optional. Chinua Achebe Things Fall canada goose clothing uk Apart, it states, is a novel canada goose outlet uk sale that may readers who have experienced racism, colonialism, religious canada goose outlet 80 off persecution, violence, suicide and more. Warnings have been proposed even for books long considered suitable canada goose uk site material for high schoolers: Last month, a Rutgers Universitysophomore suggestedthat an alert for F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby say, suicide, domestic abuse and graphic violence. important, there no evidence I know of that canada goose outlet kokemuksia a student well being is improved by being warned about Indeed, some have suggested that exposure to material might be more helpful than avoiding it completely. Canada Goose online

And indeed, canada goose outlet winnipeg address a committee set up by the American Association of University Professors on trigger warnings issued a reportcriticizing the practice, recommending that students with a history of bad reactions seek counseling and therapeutic help before any classes:

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canada goose coats The classroom is not the appropriate venue to treat PTSD, which is a medical condition that requires serious medical treatment. Trigger warnings are an inadequate and diversionary response. Medical research suggests that triggers for individuals can be unpredictable, dependent on networks of association. So color, taste, smell, and sound may lead to flashbacks and panic attacks as often as the mention of actual forms of violence such as rape and war. The range of any student’s sensitivity is thus impossible to anticipate. But if trigger warnings are required or expected, anything in a classroom that elicits a traumatic response could potentially expose teachers to all manner of discipline and punishment. canada goose coats Canada Goose sale Aaron R. Hanlon, a visiting professor of English at Georgetown University, soon to join the English Department at Maine Colby College, disagrees with all this, and has written a polite rebuttal of my piece, also in the canada goose outlet black friday New Republic. Although his argument seems a bit confused (it not completely clear whether he really thinks that we should retain trigger warnings, since he agrees with me that they infantilizing and could proliferate needlessly), he defendsthem on three grounds. Canada Goose sale

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canada goose uk black friday Trigger warnings are nevertheless important because no matter how knowledgeable and comfortable professors are with the intellectually and emotionally challenging material we teach, our students are real people with real histories and concerns. They do indeed want to be challenged to be made uncomfortable by literature but it’s our job as professors to do more than just expose them to difficult ideas. It’s our job to help see them through the exposure. canada goose uk black friday

I don’t mean to say that we should become canada goose coats uk licensed therapists or trauma experts on top of our ordinary specializations, or worse, to pretend to have expertise we haven’t earned. But so long as we’re happy to canada goose jacket outlet toronto evangelize about the truly disruptive and real life changing possibilities of our subject matter, canada goose outlet store uk we also need to be prepared to teach that difficult and sometimes disorienting material responsibly and attentively, not just to cast out barbs of hardcore human expression while we watch our students puzzle and weep.

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Canada Goose Online You get the idea. Of course if you include nonfiction, includinganything that involves war or violence or injury or sex, then the list expands considerably. This leads to Hanlon second reason that trigger warnings are useful: Canada Goose Online

canada goose coats on sale 2. The warnings actually expand the discussion about books and literature by relating the material to students lives and concerns. I find this implausible. Here how Hanlon defends it: canada goose coats on sale

Canada Goose Jackets An interesting byproduct of trigger warnings is that they prime a class for canada goose outlet houston discussion. Students don’t just nod at “sexual assault in Ovid” and write it down; they begin to engage with an aspect of the material, they give signals about how they’ll be affected, they evaluate the warning in relation to the language and subject matter of the text (which they better have already read in preparation for the class!). A trigger warning doesn’t have to be an act of censorship or a straightjacketing of interpretation; it can be a starting point for a ranging discussion that ultimately challenges students’ points of view. Canada Goose Jackets

canada goose black friday sale Given that the difficult and potentially triggering canada goose outlet eu material we teach must not be abandoned because it’s timeless, provocative, germane, or canada goose outlet store calgary simply canonical by accident of history and given that a trigger warning can actually open up a discussion of material with which students have an initially low comfort level we simply can’t dismiss student calls for trigger warnings. We have to take them seriously, not because literature (or life) needs a censor or students need to be coddled, but because being more acutely aware of how students are responding to challenging material is just better and more responsible pedagogy. It’s true that life is triggering and won’t usually come with its own trigger warnings. But students are in their seats in part to be better prepared for that reality, and it’s professors’ jobs to facilitate that kind of intellectual development. canada goose black friday sale

But let consider what mighthappen: a student will be he been mugged, or a woman has been sexually assaulted, or someone who is hearing impaired is offended by How will this relate to the material itself? Usually, I suspect, it will involve personal testimony about someone experiences and feelings, things thatmay be only tangentially connected with the material itself. If someone who has been assaulted, canada goose outlet location for instance, is triggered by the pervasive violence in Cormac McCarthy and tells us why, does that really open up the discussion and create a and more responsible pedagogy Or does it simply give students the opportunity to use the class as a therapy session, or to become the center of attention, or to vent?

canada goose outlet I can, however, imagine some cases in which it could be valuable. For instance, the distressed relative of someone killed in Auschwitz might recount how her great uncle was dragged from his home, stuffed in a railroad car, and then, on the platform at Birkenau, separated from his wife and children and led to the gas chambers. That sort of experience can help bring literature alive. But I doubt that this is the kind of discussion that will usuallyfollow when we ask students to explain to the canada goose outlet store new york class why they find canada goose outlet website legit material triggering. (I not talking about students meeting privately to discuss material with the professors, something to which I have no objection. But of course, as Hanlon notes, we not trained to be therapists, and he also objects, as do I, to training sessions. colleges and universities are contingent faculty like adjunct professors who are operating without the prospect or protection of tenure, one of the better arguments against trigger warning policies is that they provide a more straightforward path to dismissal for the contingent professor who innocently fails to pick up on a particular trigger.

Canada Goose Coats On Sale Reluctance to trust an expert’s understanding of a text (and the implications of all its dark corners) is also infantilizing professors in a way that can impede student learning. Failure to pay contingent faculty enough money to work one job instead of shuttling between piecemeal work at two or three universities; failure to provide them with office space in which to have those difficult conversations with students one on one; and failure to support their pedagogical choices in the classroom all reduce the ability canada goose parka uk of professors to see students through difficult material. Arguing flatly against trigger warnings won’t make these realities go away, but arguing for better institutional support for faculty can improve the conditions under which trigger warnings become necessary by giving faculty the resources to be more supportive of students Canada Goose Coats On Sale.

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